"So I say to you: Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you." (Luke 11:9) Here's the deal: I'm a Christian. I think it's the way to live, but I'm sure that not everyone agrees or is sure, or even knows what it means to be a Christian. I didn't just wake up one morning and say "You know, I'm a Christian!". I came to Christ by seeking. I did quite a bit of seeking, in fact. Seeking simply means looking for (and later praying for) answers to the questions one has about God. One of the most powerful tools I found during my seeking was reading about the experiences of others on the path. The other powerful tools are God (who is patient, kind, and really interested in the outcome) and people of God. Talk to Christians. Talk to a lot of them. Ask them about their faith. You'll learn quite a bit. The books listed below have been very helpful to me. You can buy them right here via Amazon.com, or you can probably find them in your local library. If you do buy them from this page, I will receive an associates payment from Amazon, which I will donate to my local Church. Thanks for taking the time to read this, and to browse the bookstore. If you'd like to talk (via email) about Christ, ask questions, pass on stories, whatever - you can email me at schettino@writeme.com. My main web site is Schettino Software, where you can experience my secular life. You can buy these books from by clicking the book images below. Or you can search amazon.com for any book:
When you're ready to read God's word, I suggest a study Bible. They contain not only the text of the Bible, but translation notes, commentary, and background material. If you're like me, you'll prefer a modern translation (such as the New International Version, or NIV) over say the King James version. Amazon maintains a page for all Study Bibles. They also have a page with all the Bibles they carry. |
The NIV Study Bible This is the Bible I use. I really find the translation into more modern English helpful, and the notes and study material are amazing. You can search the NIV right off the web. |
Books about the Bible and Christianity So you say you're not ready for the Bible? Would you like to read about the Bible or Christ? It's a good way to ease into it, but ultimately you'll want to go to the source.. |
Mere Christianity : Comprising the Case for Christianity, Christian Behaviour, and Beyond Personality (C.S. Lewis Classics) I read this book a long time ago, and found it (and much of C. S. Lewis) to be a straightforward introduction to Christianity. It benefits from his great skill as a writer. |
Case for Christ : A Journalist's Personal Investigation of the Evidence for
Jesus (Larger Pap Ver)
Another book that helped me with some of my questions. |
Don't be fooled by the title. This is a true story of a Jewish man converting to Christianity. It's not just for those who are Jewish... it's more about understanding Christ and the Bible. |
Know Much About the Bible : Everything You Need to Know About the Good Book but
Never Learned
All the Bible's historical background, and a good bit of the good book. I'm reading this one now, and it's pretty interesting.
Critics Ask : A Popular Handbook on Bible Difficulties
If you've got questions, this book has answers. |
Not necessarily about the Bible or Christ, these books still are quite interesting, educational, and entertaining to read. |
Screwtape Letters : Also Includes 'Screwtape Proposes a Toast'
This C. S. Lewis book shows how the other half live... yep, it's the struggle for your Sole from the devil's perspective. |
Promises of a Promise Keeper
Are you a man? Do you want to know more about how Men experience Christ? This book is in my study list, and I'm reading it now. So far, it seems right on the money. Men Men Men, this is for you. |
First Things First: To Live, to Love, to Learn, to Leave a Legacy by Stephen R. Covey Here's a great story from
the book: (pages 88-89)
In other words, do the big stuff first. |
Power Of Ethical Management:
by Norman Vincent Peale (Contributor), Kenneth H. Blanchard |
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